Varanasi: Forms of Transportation
After exploring the hills of Uttarakhand, we went to visit our good friends Vidhu and Neelam in Varanasi. We first met them in Austin, TX when we sublet their apartment for the summer, and many delicious meals and good conversations later, they've become one of our favorite memories of the city.
It so happens that they moved back to Varanasi the month before we came to visit India, so luckily for us we got to go see them in Vidhu's family's home in Varanasi. So far, it's been one of my favorite parts of this trip. Aside from just seeing the two of them again (and meeting some of their wonderful family), we ate delicious home-cooked food and got to comfortably explore what can be one of the most overwhelming cities in India.
Just to prove how crowded and bustling everyday life can be here, I uploaded some short clips of our many forms of transit for your viewing pleasure: